Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Google ventures and the Lazy disclaimer

Today as usual reading some feed I come up on this : Official Google Blog: Google's newest venture article, I enjoyed the initiative really, other company have to do the same.

when big company think small the innovation come in the process, the Y combinator is a great example on how fund can help startup.

I wish such that such initiative could be applied to my region (algeria), but for the moment it isn't the case, so you can understand my frustration.

But this isn't the subject of my post here.

so as I said above, reading about googles newest venture I take a tour to the designed web site http://www.google.com/ventures/ here are some quote from this website:

Google Ventures seeks to discover and grow great companies - we believe in the power of entrepreneurs to do amazing things. We're studying a broad range of industries, including consumer Internet, software, hardware, clean-tech, bio-tech and health care. We invest anywhere from seed to mezzanine stage and embrace the challenge of helping young companies grow from the garage to global relevance.

Our team includes entrepreneurs, investors and innovators, along with some 20,000+ exceptional Googlers whose breadth of knowledge, experience and creativity constitute perhaps our own most valuable resource. You don't have to be a potential Google acquisition for us to want to work with you; we're out to build great companies, period. We look forward to learning whether yours is one of them.

the above quote is from the home page, it sound great is sound good, full of promise etc etc..

the above quote suggest this :

1)Google Ventures seeks to discover and grow great companies.
2)helping young companies grow from the garage to global relevance.

3)experience and creativity constitute perhaps our own most valuable resource.

so Google venture is there to discover, to grow companies even if they are at the earlier stage let stay at the IDEA stage.

Now let take a tour to the contact page :

We welcome new ideas. However, please do not send us information that you consider to be confidential or proprietary. Because of what we do, we receive a high volume of business plans, presentations, pitches, memos - you get the picture - and because these materials are often similar, because they come to us in a variety of forms, and because we read a ton of stuff, we cannot and do not accept responsibility for protecting against the misuse or disclosure of any information unless we have expressly agreed (in writing) to do so.
this quote suggest :

a)However, please do not send us information that you consider to be confidential or proprietary.
b) and because these materials are often similar, because they come to us in a variety of forms.
c)and because we read a ton of stuff, we cannot and do not accept responsibility for protecting against the misuse or disclosure of any information unless we have expressly agreed (in writing) to do so.

how could some one pitch for his company being vague?!! how could some one argue in favor of his company if he can't make his company stand special by bringing out the UPS of his company?!!

the statement a) is irrealistic.

now b) is really amazing the first part suggest that all the material ar similar and in the same time the second part suggest that they come in different form, hey perhaps I am wrong but does any one see a paradox in this formulation?

beyond the semantic there is something that make it wrong, if the google venture board begin by the presentiment that all the material are common similar how could they discover the creativity they are searching for?

now the statement c) the elementary help that some one could provide to a company is the respect of confidentiality, some will ask google venture fund based on a simple idea on a simple draft on a simple schema on paper, if google venture can't protect such sheet of paper then thy can't do nothing for them.

some have to look out to find that twitter begin by a simple schema on a sheet of paper.

now to resume, the concept of google venture is noble and really interesting, but excuse me the disclaimer is a lazy one.

I would suggest to such enterprise to invest first in a panel of a jurist and lawyer.

or may be I am just frustrated.

Monday, March 30, 2009

The missing Element of a Synchronious Chain

what a long headline isn't it?

this morning I was reading my RSS as usual and then something make me furious.here is the full story.

I am using Google Reader and I enjoy it, seriously it is a quasi-perfect tool to read your feed, you can :

1)add subscription..
2)discover some others ...
3)use keyboard..
4)share with friend
5)email to a friend

there are a lot of feature, but there is one feature that will make my joy.

it is about sharing, some time reading a feed, I want to respond to it to interact with the author, to blog about it.

and here is my wishes a "blog about it" feature, the first place where people want to share their reaction reading something is there blog or their personal place.

Google Reader offer the possibility to get a public "shared item" page, but user have no control on it, they can't costumise it, or make it personnal or personalize it.

friendfeed fill this gaps, with friendfeed you can share a thought, an idea about some thing you have read elsewhere.

Google Reader offer in the same time a way to comment a feed, to make a comment on a feed on a reading, those comment are just visible by a reduced set of friend or contact.

by such feature "comment on a post, restricted sharing" Google want people to prefer a restricted sharing then a wide one.

and there is the problem, people aren't to share or comment on personnal feed, they are doing on a public one, people comment or share public feed, so why making restriction on their audience ?

to resume :

I have a google account, this induce a Greader account, a blogger account, so google please bring this feature this missing element that will make this synchronous.

with a "blog about" feature on Greader, I will easily comment, add a thought react on public feed and then share the result to a wide audience, not just friend or contact.

so please add that feature.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

sub-product !!!

This morning, I want to talk about something that make me in trouble.
really sometime big company make decision that a boy like me a simple user don't understand.

it is really hard to wear their shoes (big company one).

so here is my concern:

the other day, I was going to set up a Filckr account, I confess I got one in the past, but I forget with what email address and what password, so visiting the Filckr I saw that I have to register with a yahoo account.

I am a fervent user of Gmail, why should I create a new yahoo account in order to use Filckr?

even the concept of a dependency between (email, photo-sharing) bug my mind.

ok let resume :

1)you can't use Filckr without a yahoo account.
2)you can't use Google reader, Google Doc , Picasa.. without a Google account.

and this is really stupid.

here is why:

yahoo or Google or msn or any other big company think that they have a PRODUCT and they build around sub Product.

Filckr is a sub-product of (yahoo account).
Greader is a sub-product of (google account).

it is a way to recognize their users, yahoo and Google make a small tattoo on our face to recognize us.

it is just a tribal culture.

now when a Sub-product, begin to be worth "product" labeling, then you have and you should open it to a wide rang of public.

the reputation of Filckr go beyond yahoo.
the reputation of Greader go beyond Google.

how could yahoo benefit from a user that create a "throug it" account just to use Filckr?
how could yahoo benefit for a user that use Gmail as a main email service.

those big company are trying to make one thing and let me formulate it as fellow:


they are just trying to keep their users to them, but in this open world, none is acquired.

so please open the door.

let the Sub-product grow to a Product.
let people use your service without forcing them to be your and only yours.

let imagine that one day we can as "small boy, simple users" access all the service that make our pleasure with a single ID, an openId or Oauth.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Social Media Data Mining

so this afternoon I read this article Social Media Mining, The Data Is Out There | Regular Geek and to be honest I enjoyed it.

here is what make my joy :
If companies start mining the social web, they will realize that people are creating focus groups for them. They just need to listen, analyze and act on what they see. The data is out there, how are you going to use it?
I love this guy really.

a few day I posted some thougth on Twitter in my blog

twitter can provide marketer, industry with real time people behavior trend.

the future of twitter will reside in their ability to trait and analyze the data that come to them, so if some one is going to build a startup, here an idea worth money :

"chart, chart chart, visualization, data mining"+tweet.
but is this the only way?

of course it is time to make a better use of social media data, but as the Chris Brogan cited in the article I am referring to:

Here’s one hint: social media isn’t a PR tool; it’s not a marketing tool ; it’s a communications tool and a media making/distribution tool set … It’s about working on the larger need and then using the tools judiciously.
the wise way to go with social media is :

1)use it as a tool judiciously
2)data mining.

it is really interesting to note that in the case of twitter the most API based application don't make a judicious use of twitter (tool).

do you agree?!!

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Power of a Community

Today I want to talk about the hidden community power's.

each community take it power from it users, the most "community based users" the most powerful is the community.

in every group when the element that constitute the group work and make effort toward a better community future, the benefits are backed to their members.

the members make the community, and without a community members are just individual (and feel lonely) :).

this isn't a discussion of "socialist vs capitalist" schema of community, beyond all those differences there is a common element which is :

in a community people have rights and obligations, it is a common sens evidence.

when you want to join a community you have to be ready to accept the obligations in order to aspire to the rights.

it is so evident in real community, but when it come to virtual one's, people tend to forget the basis.

in virtual community such as "twitter, facebook" or any other community people tend to forget that all the advantages that they have joining the community are dependent on how member will respect their obligations.

in a community the "star", the VIP the most considered is the community not the members.

in virtual community people tend to bring the light to them selves.
people tend to ask what the community can do for them before asking themselves what they can do for the community.

What are you doing in your virtual community, and how your acts reflect on the whole community.

some tend to believe and they are wrong that they can USE the community, when people begin to think in such way community (vanish).

so to resume, community is the extension of the COMMON YOU, the better or the worst, it depend just on how you are?

take cae and spread a big hug in your community.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Who Else want to buy Twitter?

Yesterday I come up this article Traffick: Yes, Twitter's Business Model Is To Be Acquired, and Yes, It Will Be: Search Engine Enlightenment , I enjoyed reading it and I agree with the author at a point.

For companies like Twitter, the messy and as-yet-unconsolidated patchwork left by the also-rans (Microsoft, Yahoo, AOL) in the digital space may be bad news valuation-wise, as it creates too many distractions for these lesser candidates, and points so heavily towards a single acquirer.

twitter business Model is "To Be Acquired" , it is so evident that no other model can be used to monetize twitter.

would you pay in-order to use Twitter ? the common answer will be No. this is really interesting to read the hoax about Twitter Primium Account.

no one will pay a dime to use Twitter.

now if Twitter is for sale some day, who will buy?

the acquiror of twitter have to establish a better model to get a ROI (return on investment). they will not do that for free.

so the question is :

how to make money if you purchase Twitter?

the answer is clearly simple, none buy trouble.

why would you buy a service, when you can build an other one based on this service.

the easy way to make money using twitter is to build a (well studied service with a well studied Business Plan rather then "build to sell" ).

A similar game of chicken happened before -- with You Tube. And the valuation was a bargain for Google and didn't exactly make paupers out of the company founders and their investors. If I had to lay down a chip, I'd expect Google to acquire Twitter by the middle of May. We'll see.
here is where I disagree with the author of the cited article.

my prediction is that Google will not acquire Twitter for the simple reason that fellow :

Google acquire Jaiku in the past and it was a loosely investment, Google turned Jaiku to an open source, Google initiate GAE aka google app engine and it plan to ad some feature to GAE in the near future such XMPP, and then google will surely open the micro blogging to every one, this is the hidden plan to kill Twitter, not to buy it.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

UI + Intrest Filtring +Talking to the Moon

this morning, as usual I begin by reading my RSS (on Google Reader ) and I I saw this Data Mining: Text Mining, Visualization and Social Media: The UI: The Killer App that No-one Will Build I really enjoyed this article.

I couldn't agree more with M. Hurst , here a quote from his article :

The obvious solution to this is to have a smart machine, right? This machine can cleverly tell you which of the atoms you should attend to. However, specifically when these communications are potentially of a personal nature (that is to say, from people that you identify, not nameless content spouters), it is hard to really trust the machine and accept that there is nothing in the dont-show-this pile that you need to read. Thus we fall back to the atoms and lumps model.
it was about email, the same apply to RSS Feed, or any information.

we are in a saturated information ERA, and fully and redundant information sphere .

we use information, and abuse it too.

to be in touch you have to subscribe to "too much information source".

the readability and usability of the information don't reside only in it content quality, but in it quantity too.

many are subscribed to more then 1000 RSS, many receive more then hundred email per day.

people in the search of being always in touch, always informed, and certain try to be the first informed saturated them selve by a huge amount of data that they can't use well.

it don't matter how many RSS (blog or new or any content) we are subscribed too , what really matter is how many we effectively read, how many of them take our attention, how many of them make us REACT.

passive information is a dead one.

information that don't make us REACT is the a loosely one.

the dream of a Intelligent machine that will sort the data to witch we are subscribed too, begin by a clearly definition of some entity, and one of them is:

"interesting information"

what make an information interesting or not, what make a human react to an information or not?

the answer to this question reside in a clear and precise definition of a personal interest.

"personal interest" is so complex, some try to define them as a suite of tag or label:

ex: "python", "django", "social media", "blogging"...

this is a suite of topic, a suite of topic of interest, people may define their interest by a suite of their topic of interest, but is it sufficient?


not any "related information" to a topic of interest, is worth reading.

"personal interest", "topic of interest" aren't sufficient to determine a human interest.

an information may belong to a human interest, but if the source " the author" isn't in the "people of interest" then the information may be not worth spending time to read it or analyze it.

human interest may be defined using :

1)topic of interest.
2)people of interest.

the first define a set of topic which are interesting, where the second define a circle of trusted people worth reading.

and with a better User interface UI, that bring usability easiness of work maybe this would work.

but again to determine the "related information" intelligent algorithm have to emerge.

people trust other people, would people trust machine even the intelligent one?

until then let talk to the moon.

thank you M. Hurst .

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

For The Glory of a Comming Redundancy

I just take a tour to this site The ReTweetability Index it offer an index of the top retwitter?

so a question come to my mind, what is the job of a retwitter?

what does this word "retwitte" mean?

it is just an other elegant way to say redundant tweet.

so what are the risk of overuses, and abuse of such feature?

3)copyright infringement.
5)data entropy.

there is no blame to spread words, tweet or ideas, the blame is to over spread.

the dangerous way is the bulk retweet that may appear, and then some bad social behavior may emerge.

retweet my tweet, so that I could retweet yours.

some time the idea have to walk their ways.

now the top 20 retweeter have to know their responsibility, their position give them a form of power but each power induce responsibility.

the more followers you have, the more severe is your filtering schema and criteria.

the more tweet you retweet , the more prudent you have to be in regard to what retweet and to what ignore.

because it isn't just virtual.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Twitter Ads Strategy

this morning I come up this post Twitter Ads Make an Appearance .

how could twitter investor get their Return on investment?

the answer may be advertising "Ads".

a simple look to twitter recent change, may give us an answer.

1)introduction of twitter search a real time tweet search engine.
2)the "may be" site ads include like suggested in the article Twitter Ads Make an Appearance .

the problem of making money from such system is the risk of "self-spam", let me make it clear.

tweet base isn't enough significant (in term of relevance) to be mimed, it is too complex to copy the same existing "ads include search result" of any classic search engine, to a real time tweet search engine.

notice that I insist on the separation between, classic search engine, and the tweet search engine.

the first (classic like google or yahoo) are based on pages (web page) on a very detailed content, targeted, and detailed.

the second will be based on a very condensed content mainly 140 cars one. fuzzy and dispersed.

now let try to answer the main question :

how to make money if you are in a twitter team, or how to make a better ROI in a twitter case?

this question is equivalent to this one: what twitter offer and what is the valuable twitter product.

twitter product may be summarized as fellow :

1) content ( tweet data base).
2) result of traited tweet (visualization, miming, search, analyze).
3) the access to the data (API).
4) inside tweet.

if twitter leader want to exploit the content by introducing ads on their unique support ( mean web site), then they have to answer the question :

a) how many people are using twitter web site in order to tweet?

the diversity of twitter tool (desktop or IM ...) make such action risky, could twitter leader push people outside the website by an intensive and abusive use of ugly ads?

and what about the conversion? is it worth such effort? how many people are still using twitter web site to tweet? 10%, 20%, 50%?

so let down the ads on the website.

b) the same apply to twitter search .

c) now would people some day pay in order to use the twitter API or a part of Twitter Api?

this option is really interesting and may be worth study.

d) inside a tweet?

in this case of figure, twitter will have to build some official channel let say #ads or some thing and to overflow it service by "tweet ads", a tweet ads will be a 140 car ads.

such solution may be considered as spam, even if it come from twitter.

so what to do?

think ubuntu.

sell consulting.

twitter can provide marketer, industry with real time people behavior trend.

the future of twitter will reside in their ability to trait and analyze the data that come to them, so if some one is going to build a startup, here an idea worth money :

"chart, chart chart, visualization, data mining"+tweet.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Twitter, made for humain, suited for machine.

again, lost in thoughts about a better future for twitter.

I have to confess it the question "what are you doing now" is intimidating.

none are doing interesting stuff every time or at every moment of their daily life.

the question "what are you doing now" encapsulate in itself the future the prophetical twitter destiny.

I was trying to visualize the impact of twitter on human life, on human behavior, on human evolution, then this damned question make it clear for me :

it is cristal clear that twitter is fuzzy.

twitter as a system is a fuzzy one, the quest of comprehension is a quest for the holly grail.

1) twitter isn't for conversation.
2) twitter isn't for idea spreading.

may be twitter is just for event reporting no more.

again the question "what are you doing now" gives me more detail on how human approach twitter, on how people interact with that concept.

they are just answering a question keeping in mind the 140 limitation.

"what are you doing now" is doubly frustrating :

1) no one want to always share what he (she) is doing right now.
2) it is too short to describe what people may doing in 140 caracters.

in the earlier step twitter was a tool for human, it was the holly tool tha make people share a bit of their life with strange people, they can do via the mobile the web or any other application, by the time twitter become the new TV concept, and in this era people escaped the TV to the INTERNET.

now, I am a fanatic of usability. (mean people have to make better uses of what they have in hand).

my question is how could we make twitter more useful?

in the first days, twitter was a trigger a human trigger that enabled human to trigger each other with a 140 characters message that encapsulate a temporal answer to an eternal question : "what are you doing now".

my proposition is to elevate twitter to a height level.

I am thinking about a twitter that will be a machine trigger, a big really big and real time shell.

where message will be commanded.

could we some days uses twitter to send command to third part web service?
could we some days uses twitter as a real time bridge between third part web services?

until then, I will try to find a more original answer to this arrogant question :
"what are you doing now"

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Seth's Blog: What's your super power?

Seth's Blog: What's your super power?:
as usual this guy is full of wisdom, damn I can run a way without reading a post or two from this genius.

so after reading this post, I asked my self what is my super power?
you also please do your self a favor and ask your self, what is your super power?

keep in mind that as they says: "every one is unique".

every human is unique and uniqueness is a form of a power, but it is not a super power.

you can enjoy you days by telling your self, that as a human, you are unique, and to say that you have to understand that others are unique too.

and because every single human is unique it make meeting other and making connection with other a pleasant and benefice adventure.

every single human encapsulate experiences, knowledge, personal interpretation, personal conception that may at least enrich you vision of what is around you.

but wait a moment we haven't still answer the fundamental question that is :

what is my super power?
and what is yours too?

it isn't an easy question to answer!! right?

first of all the essence of a super power is "faith" you have to believe and to be confident in your super power in order to make it real, or true.

superman don't ask him self if he can fly to day or no, he can't even bother him self with such question, he has to fly no more.

the most teeny doubt will eradicate your superpower.

if you aren't really truly convinced by your superpower it vanish.

once you get a clear vision of your superpower, because you have to do that, the second step will be to maintain it to cajole it.

but the most important is to use it.

so let resume :

1)discover your super power.
2)maintain it , use it.
3)remember that others too have a super power.

The rest of us, though, do everyone a service when we let others know what we do and how it might help

but I am still lost, what is my super power?
what is yours?
until then, be self critic.

Google News Comment Absurdity

so reading my RSS feed this morning a post from micropersuasion catches my attention. here is why:

  1. yes it is a great way for Google news to enhance their content with a real (live) comment from people around the world.
  2. yes comment will bring a bit of social to such static (ho god) (static in term of interactivity).
and as Steve Rubel noticed :
Unfortunately, as far as I can tell the entire process still remains slow because it's mired in human authorization.
and I can't agree more with him.

it is absurd to ask people to contribute to your content using forms (authenticated one) or email in this new era of tweet and plurk and all the pseudo new named social action.

now let ask why people at Google News haven't delegated the comment role to any existing comment service?
let be more simplistic, why they haven't try to make a twitter channel "#GoogleNewsComment" and then download all the tweet as comment?

I am sure that there are many ways to do, to make it more easy more simple and may be more anonymity.

does Google Hate anonymity ?

no, the answer is beyond this: the answer is in the "content quality", even if they open the door to real people to ordinary people to comment on their life event (news is just a collection of events that happen around the world to real people like you and me", and because it is related to "you and me" we have the right to comment such events.

so, commenting news is a civic right (ho I enjoy civic movement).

so in order to maintain the quality of the content, commenting or any other contribution may and have to be under a sever control they don't want to have LOL comment on any events?

and they don't have enough time to moderate comment.

to resume, they are just offering comment in order to offer the service no more.

they have to think twice about such feature, are they ready to bring the "open content" or no, are they ready to open their content to others? what ever the contribution is!

no they can't.

remember in google logic, content is money.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Twitter search is irrelevent

so here  is the the second part my personal try t o answer this simple question: is twitter search the new real time search you can count on?

in this second part I will try to make some hypothesis on twitter search results, and how would those result be relevant or irrelevant?

what make a search result relevant or irrelevant? is it users appreciation? or just well trusted efficient automated  based algorithms that guaranty an optimal maintaining of information consistency?

let make it in plain simple words:

1) people trust their classic usual search engine, because they know that they will get the answer to their query in the first 20 results or less.

2) people know that behind the summary of the result they can find more compelling data with a click on the hyper link.

now twitter search have to resolve 2 problem :

1) make the (tweet) result of a query self satisfying, I mean that a tweet have to be so concise so detailed so targeted that it make a further (clicking ) useless. which is  a big challenge (a tweet is  all about 140 car).

2) tweet order and ranking algorithm. let call it (T.R.A) or (S.R.A) for Social Ranking Algorithm.

so this is the challenges.

and even if they do they have to bring a good anti spammer policy, this quote from Trisha Lyn Fawver post  is inspiring.
Of course, for the searches to be relevant you have to participate genuinely.  If Twitter becomes a haven for spammers and marketers just pushing links and deals, then of course the search results you get on Twitter will be clouded.  But I have high hopes that the few of us preaching Twitter clarity will win out and the user base will continue to participate on a human level, making the search results that come from Twitter more rich in content than even a Google search.
 now, time to think about Social Ranking Algorithm. (I will try to post on this notion sooner).

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Is twitter search the new real time search engine you can count on? (part1)

so , this is an interesting question to ask : is twitter search the new holly Real Time Search Engine?

My answer is NO.

the difference between Google, yahoo or any traditional search engine is the fact that they are based on real indexed content.

while any social search engine (like twitter search) is based on real human (reporting/commenting/reaction) to event or information.

the main difference is there :

Google point you to th desired data, google bring to you the data you are searching for.

twitter search grab just people comment reaction link or what ever personal interaction with the data you are searching for.

now the question is : will twitter search replace some day Google search?
my prediction is NO a big NO.

how could I argue such claim?

one vital element is to try to understand how people use the two service, people use show how their interaction with the service.

let try to see the trend in the two service (twitter search and google search):

a)twitter search trends: 
  1.  Watchmen 
  2. #naace2009 
  3. #dna09 
  4. #TFest09 
  5. #cebit 
b)google-hottrends :
  1. terrell owens 
  2. t.o. 
  3. russell brand 
  4. dallas cowboys 
  5. danger radio 
c) Yahoo Top Search
  1. Jillian Harris 
  2. Katie Holmes 
  3. Mariska Hargitay 
  4. Unclaimed Money 
  5. Pink Dolphins 
it is really interesting to see what people are searching using twitter search or Google search. there is a huge distortion between the two.

so would twitter search replace someday Google search?

I think no, even if twitter search evolve, there will always be a need to search for picture movie local to do all what Google search is offering at this time.

any social based search engine will never replace the classic one, for one reason and this reason is the relevance of result.

when people do a search they are waiting for the relevent result, the relevent answers, they aren't waiting for an (ego centred subjectif apreciatoin or interpretation).

add to what precede, some technical reason that will make the social based search engine less valued then the organic one.

  1. query length.
  2. advanced search.
  3. height spam ratio.
to get a relevent result, some have to optimize community contribution, and it is more easy to optimize content submition and indexing, then humain real time submission.

I have to digg it more (part 2) coming soon.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The 50$ Expert :)

Yesterday I saw this
Google Analytics Blog: Web Analytics Tips & Tricks: What is your Google Analytics IQ?
and I wanted really to make a comment on this. but I forget, I have to say frankly that the precedent post frustrate me, here is why :

to be able to get a Google Analytic certification at a low price and at the same time to have no opportunity to get this opportunity.

let me explain: I am from Algeria, may be I am not a lone to use Google Analytic for more then a years even to see how powerful it is.

so here in my region I can't even make on line payment or pay on line I am not the only person in this case, I am sure that many are in the same situation.

yes it is a good opportunity to take but, and there is always a "but" the wrong side is the consequences that such announce can produce.

to lower the price of a certification in the aim of massive adhesion is in the same time to take to the risk to lower the perceived value of the product concerned by the certificate.

how much cost an oracle certification?
Cisco router certification?
MS certification?

the wrong approach is the "shy" try to make profit from a product.

you have to be clear with you selves, do you want to make profit or not?

now let talk a bit about some consequences of less value certification, I am not an expert but I enjoyed a post from some one :

It will be interesting to see how this program is received. The vast majority of Internet marketers are not up to speed with analytics and barely have time to keep up with the nuances of SEO and paid search. Of course, if you can learn enough to pass the test then it’s another badge for your website that says you’re an expert. Just what we need in this industry …. more ‘experts’.
the fellowing quote is from : Google Press
While Google Analytics is easy to use for beginners, it’s most powerful in the hands of knowledgeable users. Qualified users will be effective at leveraging Google Analytics within their organizations and at helping others to do the same. The Google Analytics IQ program is tailored for agencies who want to retain and develop employees who are knowledgeable about Web analytics, and for individuals who seek ways to improve their job prospects or further their own personal development.
how could someone brag with a 50$ certification?!!
how could some one brag with a certification he share with million user from different age and scholar level?

the "use it in your CV" isn't an argument, in replacement they should demonstrate the ROI of Google analytic in real life case study.

so this is the question:

who else want to be a 50$ expert

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

igoogle redundancy

I coma across this chatting-away-on-igoogle and it bug my mind.
ok, this is an other redundant effort from igoogle team.
ok let be a bit arrogant :) and asck some question :
1) why to use this new feature, when you can easily incorporate your gmail gadget in your igoogle page.
2) why to use this new feature when you can eassily configure any third part chat gadget?
ok I am a bit arrogant, here are my thougths :
1)igoogle team have better to do then making such stuff.
this make me ask my self this question : are they in a lake of innovation?
first of all I can at least make 3 sentence well formed sentence in English, but please maturate your idea before the launch.
never be redundant, even in your thinking process.
idea to investigate : desktop web-frame using igoogle.
be usefull

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Google's Twitter Accounts!! what else?!!

So I read this Google's Twitter Accounts a few days ago, and it make me thinking.

does Google really suffer from a lake of infrastructure or knowledge to delegate it (real time user interaction) to tweeter?

may be the Jaiko fiasco was the begging of Google give up?
do they really surrender to tweeter?

the interesting question is :

is it really interesting to reinvent the wheel?

Google teams need a real time interaction with their users this a quit demonstrated by the vain and loosely way Google teams tried to implement such "feature" in the past.

let me explain :

1) do you remember Google doc poll?
2) do you remember Google talk gadget?
3) do you remember Google moderate (GAE) application?
and finally what about Jaiko?

so to resume :

a) I love Google effort. really and I am gratefully for all the effort they are doing.
but something have to be said:

Google have to make more initiative in this field and sooner.