Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Google ventures and the Lazy disclaimer

Today as usual reading some feed I come up on this : Official Google Blog: Google's newest venture article, I enjoyed the initiative really, other company have to do the same.

when big company think small the innovation come in the process, the Y combinator is a great example on how fund can help startup.

I wish such that such initiative could be applied to my region (algeria), but for the moment it isn't the case, so you can understand my frustration.

But this isn't the subject of my post here.

so as I said above, reading about googles newest venture I take a tour to the designed web site http://www.google.com/ventures/ here are some quote from this website:

Google Ventures seeks to discover and grow great companies - we believe in the power of entrepreneurs to do amazing things. We're studying a broad range of industries, including consumer Internet, software, hardware, clean-tech, bio-tech and health care. We invest anywhere from seed to mezzanine stage and embrace the challenge of helping young companies grow from the garage to global relevance.

Our team includes entrepreneurs, investors and innovators, along with some 20,000+ exceptional Googlers whose breadth of knowledge, experience and creativity constitute perhaps our own most valuable resource. You don't have to be a potential Google acquisition for us to want to work with you; we're out to build great companies, period. We look forward to learning whether yours is one of them.

the above quote is from the home page, it sound great is sound good, full of promise etc etc..

the above quote suggest this :

1)Google Ventures seeks to discover and grow great companies.
2)helping young companies grow from the garage to global relevance.

3)experience and creativity constitute perhaps our own most valuable resource.

so Google venture is there to discover, to grow companies even if they are at the earlier stage let stay at the IDEA stage.

Now let take a tour to the contact page :

We welcome new ideas. However, please do not send us information that you consider to be confidential or proprietary. Because of what we do, we receive a high volume of business plans, presentations, pitches, memos - you get the picture - and because these materials are often similar, because they come to us in a variety of forms, and because we read a ton of stuff, we cannot and do not accept responsibility for protecting against the misuse or disclosure of any information unless we have expressly agreed (in writing) to do so.
this quote suggest :

a)However, please do not send us information that you consider to be confidential or proprietary.
b) and because these materials are often similar, because they come to us in a variety of forms.
c)and because we read a ton of stuff, we cannot and do not accept responsibility for protecting against the misuse or disclosure of any information unless we have expressly agreed (in writing) to do so.

how could some one pitch for his company being vague?!! how could some one argue in favor of his company if he can't make his company stand special by bringing out the UPS of his company?!!

the statement a) is irrealistic.

now b) is really amazing the first part suggest that all the material ar similar and in the same time the second part suggest that they come in different form, hey perhaps I am wrong but does any one see a paradox in this formulation?

beyond the semantic there is something that make it wrong, if the google venture board begin by the presentiment that all the material are common similar how could they discover the creativity they are searching for?

now the statement c) the elementary help that some one could provide to a company is the respect of confidentiality, some will ask google venture fund based on a simple idea on a simple draft on a simple schema on paper, if google venture can't protect such sheet of paper then thy can't do nothing for them.

some have to look out to find that twitter begin by a simple schema on a sheet of paper.

now to resume, the concept of google venture is noble and really interesting, but excuse me the disclaimer is a lazy one.

I would suggest to such enterprise to invest first in a panel of a jurist and lawyer.

or may be I am just frustrated.

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