what a long headline isn't it?
this morning I was reading my RSS as usual and then something make me furious.here is the full story.
I am using Google Reader and I enjoy it, seriously it is a quasi-perfect tool to read your feed, you can :
1)add subscription..
2)discover some others ...
3)use keyboard..
4)share with friend
5)email to a friend
there are a lot of feature, but there is one feature that will make my joy.
it is about sharing, some time reading a feed, I want to respond to it to interact with the author, to blog about it.
and here is my wishes a "blog about it" feature, the first place where people want to share their reaction reading something is there blog or their personal place.
Google Reader offer the possibility to get a public "shared item" page, but user have no control on it, they can't costumise it, or make it personnal or personalize it.
friendfeed fill this gaps, with friendfeed you can share a thought, an idea about some thing you have read elsewhere.
Google Reader offer in the same time a way to comment a feed, to make a comment on a feed on a reading, those comment are just visible by a reduced set of friend or contact.
by such feature "comment on a post, restricted sharing" Google want people to prefer a restricted sharing then a wide one.
and there is the problem, people aren't to share or comment on personnal feed, they are doing on a public one, people comment or share public feed, so why making restriction on their audience ?
to resume :
I have a google account, this induce a Greader account, a blogger account, so google please bring this feature this missing element that will make this synchronous.
with a "blog about" feature on Greader, I will easily comment, add a thought react on public feed and then share the result to a wide audience, not just friend or contact.
so please add that feature.
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