a user is some one who use something, that all.
web-developer define users by a set of information that are mainly regrouped in users profile.
but is a profile a true definition of a user? No.
A user is defined by his activity and his connectivity.
1)the activity of a users reflect what he (she) do regarding the service or a set of service.
2)the connectivity in the other side reflect a list of people to witch the user is connected.
user's activity and connectivity define the user, and they are closely dependent.
the activity of some one can lead to more connectivity, and vice versa.
now, why all this speech about, user's definition, user's connectivity et activity?
it is a quite simple.
yesterday or the day before I don't remember, there was an article about how to sell your soul on twitter and whos buying I enjoyed reading it and agree with most the author say in.
1)twitter is big cake.
2)twitter is a sweet cake.
3)many are lurking on.
and this paragraph say it well :
So there's the Twitter-sphere for you! Bring on "real time search," bring on a globally connected community, bring on vapid, vile, stupid shilling. It all seems pretty sad to me. And to the advertisers out there - is this cynical scheme the best you can do to engage with all the new ways people are communicating online? That's pretty bad.now some think that all have the right t promotion, after all any twitter user is free to tweet what ever he want. so why not to include promotion in your own tweet.
the reason is a quiet simple:
you activity determine who you are. and your activity determine your connectivity. that all.
such monetization way (via tweet) are risky both for the publisher and for the advertiser.
1)the advertiser risk a failing brand image (such campaign can easily be compared to a spam).
2)advertiser loss of credibility.
3)the publisher will loss credibility and connectivity.
so the question to ask if you are going to take the be-a-magpie deal is:
what is you twitter contact 's value?
are they less or more then the hypothetical ad revenue?
but the most important is what stick and label this activity can bring to your front?
remember your activity determine your connectivity. and that the both define who you are.