Friday, April 3, 2009

will google buy twitter, my african point of view.

this morning I come up this post dear europe how would you feel about google buying, in this post the author asked a question :
What do you think? Could this be good? Will it be bad? How do you feel about it and what do you think it might mean?
so here is my answer :

1) if google buy twitter then this may be a proof that a big company can make the same error twice, remember google acquired Jaiku, some have to ask what Return on investment google made in the Jaiku case.

2) will twitter accept google offer? (is twitter for sell)?

then the answer is NO, and here is an element that may support this reasoning, twitter raise for fund (read here), may be at the first stage of twitter the monetizing schema was "build to sell" or "acquisition model" as suggest this article.

twitter isn't for sale, it is a common sense, reasoning, why selling when you are able to get money keeping the company yours. with the stepping in fund raising twitter show the desire to grow by it mean, to grow to a stand of A corporation.

is facebook for sale?!!
is myspace for sale?!!

the same applied here.

now regarding the fact that google may acquire twitter, I think that there is some action (strategic one ) made by google leader that can inform us about the futur decision.

the case of Open Social Fundation , to face the monopole that may cause the growth facebook google decision was to open the door of the social universe to a large audience to a large community of developer to make open, and free.

it is a simple thinking :

if you can't monopolize a domain, open it to other in order to make the emergence of a dominant a no chance.

of course the fruit the result of such strategic decision aren't a short term one, they will be in a long term, facebook is growing for now but there will be an end some day.

so using the same strategic decision, google will help and grow the open micro-blogging, rather then buying Twitter , and there are some element that may argument this reasoning :

1) making Jaiku open source, and easy migrating it to Google App Engine
2) the future enhancement to GAP read this .

to resume google will not buy twitter, but what about Microsoft ;).

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